There is much beauty and life to be found in ordinary objects and quiet images! For me, still life painting is a reminder to be mindful.
Mixed media paintings inspired by David Romtvedt poems, �Dilemmas of the Angels.�
The mountains, vineyards, and waterways of Southern Oregon have been leaving their imprint on me for years. Most of these paintings are created from memory and imagination.
I try hard to capture what I perceive as the essence of the person in my figurative and portrait art. The mediums used vary from pencil and charcoal oils to oil paints, cold wax, fabric inks, and altered papers.
I like to experiment with a variety of surfaces. Copper is one of my favorites. It requires a lot of preparation, but the end result can be warm and glowing, with the copper influencing the image.
I'm grateful to be able to live close to nature in beautiful Southern Oregon. Here are some tributes!
People, instruments, songbirds, and song titles reflecting a range of the musical experience: blues, rock, classical, traditional, acoustic and folk.
Most of these works are made using oils with cold wax or acrylics with additives. Many of the pieces incorporate altered images on papers I have manipulated using a citrus solution.
Here are lots of creatures painted with an array of mediums (oils, altered papers, and cold wax) and techniques, on supports of canvas, paper, artboard, wood, and copper.
I've long been inspired by folk arts as well as by my "tribe": traditional musicians. A common thread seems to be valuing roots, community, and making your own images, crafts, and sounds.
I've been using a process of cold wax and oil paint. Into this mix, I've introduced hand altered-papers with images on paper loosened up by organic chemicals and manipulated.